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Proctoring Options for Taking Exams

Candidates have two options for taking their exams (details below).   


View Webcam Tips page for selecting and setting up your required freestanding external USB webcam.


The columns below summarize some key points about each option.  This pdf document also has similar information.


**Please note that online exams are at your own risk.  Unfortunately, there are challenges with taking online exams due to internet reliability issues and general technology challenges.  We do not recommend taking online exams.  See more information below.

Online Proctoring

​AI powered pre-check procedures overview video - smart phone required in addition to USB camera.  Click underlined links for more information.

  • Online proctored exams are taken using your own / work computer and webcam

  • These exams can be taken 24-hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Can be taken from an office / home*
  • Saves travel time (in traffic or to another city) - before and after exam

  • Schedule when best for the candidate.  Times are more flexible than physical centers

  • Safer environment to reduce spread of COVID

  • Allows rescheduling up to 24-hours before exam

  • Can be less distracting than physical center with multiple candidates in same room and proctors helping other candidates

  • Can be more distracting if not in a quite environment (noisy office, office paging system, noisy work shop, kids at home, dogs barking, etc.)

  • There can be no-one else in the room other than the candidate taking the exam. 

  • Uses webcam similar to being on a web meeting

  • Requires an external USB webcam that can be panned around the room for proctor to verify no-one else is in room or under desk (6' cord, no auto-focus or focus turned off).  Camera will sit to the side of candidate, not in-front.  See links below. 

  • Candidate is required to provide a computer and internet connection that satisfies minimum requirements (See links below)

  • Candidate should log into their account from the testing computer at least 24 hours before exam start time to make sure everything is functioning.  

  • Some corporate internet / firewalls can block systems.  Administrative functions are required to be performed / allowed by the system for locking down the browser, etc.  Computers on work computers should have the following URL's added to Whitelists for firewalls and email virus software:

  • Use links below to prepare and learn more.  We do not control these links, so please let us know if the link gets broken. 

  • CSA currently does not require you to perform Biometrics - skip Biometric steps where indicated

  • Online Proctoring Checklist.  Please go through entire document before taking online exam.

  • Guidelines for Online Proctored Exam (video)

  • Use this link to see computer System Requirements

  • External freestanding USB Camera requirements and positioning.  Also visit our Webcam Tips Page for requirements.

  • Use this link to Test webcam, microphone, Speedtest

  • Frequently Asked Questions about launching an exam for online proctoring, what is needed for the testing environment (room), how the camera needs to be positioned during exam, camera requirements, and more...

  • Personal calculators are not allowed for online exams.  A calculator will be available on the split screen

  • Proctors reside in the U.S. (not other countries like some other testing services)


If you are in a large company environment or have high security and administrative settings on your computers, and you will be setting up a designated testing computer(s) for your candidates, please email CSA one week in advance of your first online attempt asking for a CSA demo exam to test the computer configuration settings.  Include your contact information so that a representative can contact you to discuss this option.



Kryterion Testing Center


  • These exams are taken at physical proctoring centers.  

  • Testing Mon - Fri (Saturdays at some centers)

  • Testing times limited 

  • In-person proctor available to assist candidate with starting exam and any issues during exam

  • More reliable than online exams as there are no delays in performing security checks and chances of loosing video signals to the online proctors.

  • Some states have more centers than previously, while others have fewer in some areas.  Use this link to search for centers by state. Note that some centers showing up on the list may not have time slots or meet all requirements for particular CSA exams.  Email CSA if you need specific information on centers in a particular area. 

  • Must travel to a center

  • Schedule changes must be made at least 72-hours before exam

  • Typically multiple candidates in the same room, and they may start/stop at different times

  • May be a quieter environment than a noisy office or home

  • Computer equipment & internet is provided

  • Do not have to log into system to test computer  ahead of time

  • Don't have to worry about corporate or company firewalls blocking connections

  • Candidate can bring their own non-programmable basic calculator into the exam.  Study Guide will indicate if calculator is used. 


There are some benefits to online proctoring.  However, if there is not a suitable space free of distractions, it may not be the best option.  Online proctoring may not work for everyone.  The company may wish to set up a dedicated space (office/conference room/etc.) with pre-tested computer hardware and specific positioning of the USB web camera.  Or, the company may allow the candidate to take the exam at their home using their own equipment.  CSA will not be liable for distractions interfering with online proctored exams.  Therefore, CSA will leave it up to companies if they want to offer this service to their employees.  Since many companies pay for the candidates exams (or some of the exams), CSA thinks this decision is best left between the candidate and the company.  We would recommend that companies consider if they want to establish policies around this option and their payment / re-imbursement practices. 


** Online exams have risks that CSA cannot control.  Due to the high-stakes nature of our exams, a specific software is required to lock-down the candidates computer and provide a video signal to the proctors.  It is very possible and a good chance that an internet blip during an exam may drop the video signal.  If this occurs, the candidate will be instructed to exit the exam and reboot the computer.  You will not lose time and you will start where you left off.  However, you will be required to wait in que again for the initial security screening of your ID, books, the room, etc.   This can take on average 15-45 minutes each time.   We are aware of exams where this has occurred a couple times.  It is frustrating / stressful to the candidate and resulted in a considerably longer exam.  CSA strongly encourages candidates to take exams at a physical proctoring location whenever possible to avoid these challenges.  If you select online exams, you assume the risk that comes with it.  CSA is not liable for lost time, or lost fees to retake the exam.


*** In June/July 2024 Kryterion is implementing new AI technology to speed up the pre-check process.  This will require the use of a smart phone to scan a bar code and take pictures of the person, driver's license, and exam room.  These items will be scanned with AI technology before being handed off to a human proctor.  Please review this video for an overview of this process.  All other criteria will still apply, but this will hopefully speed up the pre-check process if you follow the instructions. Click here to see  overview



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